Good Evening SnapDragons, I hope that everyone’s evening is going well. Last night, I did a lot of reflecting as I watched my niece walk across her high school stage and receive her hs diploma. It seemed like it was only yesterday that she was only a few months old. Where did the time go? I recalled how it felt when I walked across the stage of my hs and was given my diploma. I was full of anticipation as to how my future would unfold and what would lie ahead for me. I had never expected my life to unfold in the way that it did. I wonder if she is nervous about her future and is she strong enough to tackle what may lie ahead for her. I believe that only time will tell as it unfolds the critical events that are bound to shape her into the individual that she is meant to become. I am curious, how was your hs graduation for you? Thoughts?

Have a beautiful evening!